
 Maths Learner details - skills developed & example activities for each year  group

Year 1 Maths Learner.pdf .pdf
Year 2 Maths Learner.pdf .pdf
Year 3 Maths Learner.pdf .pdf
Year 4 Maths Learner.pdf .pdf
Year 5 Maths learner.pdf .pdf
Year 6 Maths Learner.pdf .pdf

 Year Group Overviews - the areas of Maths taught across the year

Reception yearly overview 202425.docx .docx
Year 1 yearly overview 20242025.docx .docx
Year 2 yearly overview 2024 2025.docx .docx
Year 3 yearly overview 2024 2025.docx .docx
Year 4 yearly overview 2024 2025.docx .docx
Year 5 yearly overview 2024 2025.docx .docx
Year 6 yearly overview 2024 2025.docx .docx

Assessment in Maths:

Assessment in maths, takes many forms and is made up of a combination of statutory and non-satutory activities.

  • AFL - all Year groups - assessment for learning takes place continuously and informs teachers of children's attainment and progress within their maths lessons. 
  • Diagnostic tests - Year 1 - Year 6 - these are tests given to the children once per term. They are directly linked to the topics and content delivered in the daily lessons and provide teachers with information about how children are progressing against key areas of learning.
  • Multiplication Tables Check - Year 4 - this is statutory test which is taken by Year 4 pupils usually in May. The test is administered digitally using computer programme. A DFE information leaflet can be found below. 
  • SATs tests - Year 2 & Year 6. SATs stands for Statutory Assessment Tasks. Children in Year 2 will take these tests during the month of May. Children in Year 6 will take their maths SATs on specific days usually during the second week in May. 
2022_Information_for_parents_Multiplication_tables_check.pdf .pdf

Maths Mastery

"A mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a pupil can represent it in multiple ways, has the mathematical language to communicate related ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.

Mastery is a journey and long-term goal, achieved through exploration, clarification, practice, and application over time. At each stage of learning, pupils should be able to demonstrate a deep, conceptual understanding of the topic and be able to build on this over time.

This is not about just being able to memorise key facts and procedures, which tends to lead to superficial understanding that can easily be forgotten. Pupils should be able to select which mathematical approach is most effective in different scenarios."

(TES booklet: A mastery approach to teaching and learning mathematics Teaching for mater in primary maths updated Aug 2, 2018)


Useful Websites to Support Maths Learners

Free workbooks from White Rose Maths-

Herts for Learning: ESSENTIALmaths Games


Solving word problems 


At Downfield we plan and teach our Maths curriculum using ESSENTIAL Maths. This is a product written by Herts For Learning (HFL).  The way the teaching and learning is organised is described as a spiral. This means that the  learning is built upon step by step, sequence by sequence and year on year. It is aspirational and ensures progression and coverage through the primary phase. 


To the left you will find descriptions of what children do and how they do it in each year group.


Further down this page you will also find overviews of the content for each term for each year group. This information is replicated in the year group folders on the left. 

Mathematics Policy 

Maths Policy 20242025 Reviewed Jan 2024.doc .doc

Written Calculation Policy 

Written_Calculation_policy 20242025.pdf .pdf

Mathematical Models

Please visit our Mathematical Models Page to find out more about how we teach Mathematical Concepts to children. 

Bar Modelling at Downfield

Progression in Bar Modelling Year 16.pdf .pdf

What our pupils say ...



We use Mathletics to support maths learning that has taken place in school and to foster a love and enjoyment of the subject.
