
At Downfield we believe that every child and adult within our school community should have the support they need to manage their mental health, no matter how big or small the problem seems to be. Our wellbeing Team Mrs Wills and Mrs Pope are contactable by phone 01992 629598 or by email we will do our best to support you and where we cannot, we will find out who can. 

Children are given time to have their voices heard and the hub team respond to their needs through a variety of ways including 1:1 sessions, group and whole class sessions. We refer to external agencies if we think this is the best way to support your child. We check in with children on a regular basis and make regular contact with families.


Self Help - Take a look at some of the websites below, they offer a wealth of support and advice.


Mind - They provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem and campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. 

Place2Be - Their mission is to improve children's and young people’s mental health. They believe that no child or young person should have to face mental health problems alone. 

Space - Supporting families living in Hertfordshire with neurodiverse (autistic spectrum and / or ADHD) children and young people -  

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families - Our vision is a world where children and families are supported effectively to build on their strengths and to achieve their goals in life. Parents and Carers resources offer advice and guidance to help support the children and young people who may be struggling with poor mental health. 

Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT) provides access to primary care psychological therapy services through Hertfordshire Wellbeing and Health in Mind (Mid Essex IAPT). 

headspace - Mindfulness activities for kids will help them look after their mind and to teach them how to cultivate peace, happiness, and compassion for the rest of their lives. 

The Sandbox- The Sandbox is an NHS-funded service to support children and young people in South Staffordshire and Hertfordshire with their mental health and well-being. In addition to providing NHS-funded support, The Sandbox is a central place for resources about common mental health issues, with information on how to access additional support or emergency services.

NessIEA new service is available for parents/carers of Hertfordshire’s children and young people with emotional and mental health issues aiming to help parents/carers in developing a positive and more confident approach to support their young person, whilst offering a chance to gain peer support, useful strategies, and practical tools:

DSPL4 - (Developing Special Provision Locally) is a Hertfordshire-wide partnership approach where parents, staff in early years settings and schools, further education colleges, local authority officers and representatives from other agencies, work together as part of an Area Group, reviewing and developing the range of provision and support services available to their local community.

Hertfordshire Local Offer- The Local Offer lets parents and young people know what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire, and who can access them.


It’s OK to not be OK. We all struggle sometimes and there is help available. 

Talking can really help.


If you are concerned about your mental health there are many agencies that can support you, if you are caring for someone who is struggling at the moment, make sure you look after your own mental health too.

Take a look at some of the above websites and information, if you are unsure where to go or what to do next then please contact the Wellbeing Team so that we can help you.

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