Downfield Primary School

Downfield Road, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, Herts, EN8 8SS

01992 629 598

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Special Education Needs Information

Downfield school believes that each pupil has individual and unique needs. We acknowledge that a significant proportion of pupils will have special educational needs or Disabilities (SEND) at some time in their school career. Many of these pupils may require help throughout their time in school, while others may need a little extra support for a short period to help them overcome more temporary needs. If these pupils are to achieve their full potential, we must recognise this and plan accordingly. This school aims to provide all pupils with strategies for dealing with their needs in a supportive environment and to give them meaningful access to the National Curriculum. If you would like to discuss this further please contact the school SENCO on the below details:
Mrs Kathryn Wills
Downfield SENCO


This school believes in offering all our pupils a fully inclusive learning experience.  In accordance with government guidelines we believe that “every child matters.”  At Downfield school we are committed to providing educational opportunities which will help our pupils reach their full potential. Diversity and individuality are very much valued as a rich resource with which to help support the learning of all.  In this school inclusion recognises a child’s right to a broad, balanced, relevant and challenging curriculum which is appropriate to children’s individual abilities, talents and personal qualities.


 Accessibility Plan 2023-2026.docxDownload
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Useful information for parents and carers:

If your child has additional needs, knowing where to go to find support can be overwhelming at first.  The "New to SEND" page on the local offer website is full of tips from other parents about how to go about finding the best support for your family.

Other great resources are:


Please find attached the Early Years pathway. Over the last 8 months a multiagency group which included HCC (Hertfordshire County Council), HCPI (Hertfordshire Parent Carer Involvement), Family Support and PHN team (Public Health Nursing) have been working on the development of an EY Pathway to inform parents of the EY (Early Years) journey and how to access support from all of our services if they have concerns about their child’s development.

FOLLOW is an easy-to-use set of simple ideas to help support your child's speech and language at home. You'll find fun ideas and top tips on using the key strategies through everyday activities such as going for a walk, getting ready to go out and feeding the ducks! Parents and carers play such an important role in supporting children’s language skills and FOLLOW aims to give you the tools you need to get started! Find out more: