This Policy is in draft form. It has however, has been ratified by governors. The policy currently awaits the completion of a consultation process. This consultation includes parents and carers and other key stakeholders.
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RSE policy 2024.docx | .docx |
Exploring the nature of healthy relationships is an important part of our PSHE work at Downfield. Recent changes in legislation have meant a renewed emphasis on quality RSE (relationships and sex education). At Downfield, this area of the curriculum is delivered through the Jigsaw scheme via Puzzle Piece 6: Changing Me.
The secretary of state sets out the expectations as follows:
In primary schools, we want the subjects to put in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online. This will sit alongside the essential understanding of how to be healthy.
A DFE guide to RSE can be found below.
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rseprimaryschoolsguideforparents.pdf |
The sex education contained in National Curriculum science (Key Stages 1–4) is compulsory in maintained schools. In maintained secondary schools it is also compulsory for pupils to have sex education that includes HIV and AIDS and other sexually-transmitted infections. All state-funded schools must have ‘due regard’ to the Secretary of State’s guidance on SRE (DfE, 2000). This states that:
An overview of the RSE content in jigsaw puzzle piece 6 can be found below.
Further information regarding the content of our Science curriculum, where this involves RSE and which elements are optional, can be found below. Parents who wish to withdraw their children from any non-statutory elements of sex education, will need to do so in consultation with the headteacher following the submission of an opting out form which can be found below. You will need to state the lesson number you wish your child to be withdrawn from, this can be found on the overview document. A letter with further details and a link / QR code for an online form can be found below.
Name | Format | ||
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RSE Science content overview.docx | .docx |
Name | Format | ||
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Opting out letter.docx | .docx |
Use this form to alert us to any lessons you wish your child to be withdrawn from (Years 4,5,6 only)
This Policy is in draft form. It has however, has been ratified by governors. The policy currently awaits the completion of a consultation process. This consultation includes parents and carers and other key stakeholders.
Name | Format | ||
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RSE policy 2024.docx | .docx |
Exploring the nature of healthy relationships is an important part of our PSHE work at Downfield. Recent changes in legislation have meant a renewed emphasis on quality RSE (relationships and sex education). At Downfield, this area of the curriculum is delivered through the Jigsaw scheme via Puzzle Piece 6: Changing Me.
The secretary of state sets out the expectations as follows:
In primary schools, we want the subjects to put in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online. This will sit alongside the essential understanding of how to be healthy.
A DFE guide to RSE can be found below.
Name | Format | ||
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rseprimaryschoolsguideforparents.pdf |
The sex education contained in National Curriculum science (Key Stages 1–4) is compulsory in maintained schools. In maintained secondary schools it is also compulsory for pupils to have sex education that includes HIV and AIDS and other sexually-transmitted infections. All state-funded schools must have ‘due regard’ to the Secretary of State’s guidance on SRE (DfE, 2000). This states that:
An overview of the RSE content in jigsaw puzzle piece 6 can be found below.
Further information regarding the content of our Science curriculum, where this involves RSE and which elements are optional, can be found below. Parents who wish to withdraw their children from any non-statutory elements of sex education, will need to do so in consultation with the headteacher following the submission of an opting out form which can be found below. You will need to state the lesson number you wish your child to be withdrawn from, this can be found on the overview document. A letter with further details and a link / QR code for an online form can be found below.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
RSE Science content overview.docx | .docx |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Opting out letter.docx | .docx |
Use this form to alert us to any lessons you wish your child to be withdrawn from (Years 4,5,6 only)
This Policy is in draft form. It has however, has been ratified by governors. The policy currently awaits the completion of a consultation process. This consultation includes parents and carers and other key stakeholders.
Name | Format | ||
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RSE policy 2024.docx | .docx |
Exploring the nature of healthy relationships is an important part of our PSHE work at Downfield. Recent changes in legislation have meant a renewed emphasis on quality RSE (relationships and sex education). At Downfield, this area of the curriculum is delivered through the Jigsaw scheme via Puzzle Piece 6: Changing Me.
The secretary of state sets out the expectations as follows:
In primary schools, we want the subjects to put in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online. This will sit alongside the essential understanding of how to be healthy.
A DFE guide to RSE can be found below.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
rseprimaryschoolsguideforparents.pdf |
The sex education contained in National Curriculum science (Key Stages 1–4) is compulsory in maintained schools. In maintained secondary schools it is also compulsory for pupils to have sex education that includes HIV and AIDS and other sexually-transmitted infections. All state-funded schools must have ‘due regard’ to the Secretary of State’s guidance on SRE (DfE, 2000). This states that:
An overview of the RSE content in jigsaw puzzle piece 6 can be found below.
Further information regarding the content of our Science curriculum, where this involves RSE and which elements are optional, can be found below. Parents who wish to withdraw their children from any non-statutory elements of sex education, will need to do so in consultation with the headteacher following the submission of an opting out form which can be found below. You will need to state the lesson number you wish your child to be withdrawn from, this can be found on the overview document. A letter with further details and a link / QR code for an online form can be found below.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
RSE Science content overview.docx | .docx |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Opting out letter.docx | .docx |
Use this form to alert us to any lessons you wish your child to be withdrawn from (Years 4,5,6 only)