Downfield Primary School

Downfield Road, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, Herts, EN8 8SS

01992 629 598

Welcome Back!

Shaping the Future

Welcome to Downfield Primary and Nursery School. The years spent in primary school are among the most important in every child’s education and we realise the important decision you are having to make in choosing the right school for your child.

At Downfield we aim to provide a happy, caring, secure and stimulating environment in which the children will feel confident to learn about themselves and the world about them. Each child receives a broad and balanced curriculum through a combination of topic work and subject based teaching.

We use the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework which incorporate English, maths, science, art, geography, history, computing, design technology, music, PE, RE, PSHCE. At Downfield, we also teach Spanish as our modern foreign language.

We aim to make the children’s education both interesting and relevant to their lives, maintaining high standards of achievement and catering for all our children’s individual needs.

As parents you will always be welcome in school because we believe that the best education for your child is achieved by partnerships between parents and teachers. I hope you will be able to visit the school with your child so that you can see for yourselves the excellent opportunities we provide.

Sarah Goldsmith


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Going home arrangements for KS2 pupils (Y3-Y6)

We ask that all parents of KS2 pupils complete an online form to indicate the arrangements in place for pupils leaving school and getting home. All KS1 MUST be collected by an adult. 

A copy of a letter regarding these arrangements can be found below and KS2 parents will receive this by email on Friday 30th August.

We politely request that all parents of KS2 children complete the form and also read the accompanying Mobile Phone and Wearable Tech policy. A link and QR code for the form can be found below. 

 Going Home Arrangements aut 24.pdfDownload
 mobile and werble tech summer 2024.docxDownload
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Please access the online form via the link or QR code.